Loss sears the soul,
Sorrow takes a toll,
The wound is too deep.
Pain wants to stay,
Warmth ripped away,
Reality goes to sleep.
Gone are the fears,
Dry are the tears,
Love has been forsaken.
Emotions are bled,
The Hate is fed,
The demons reawaken.
Wrath comes unbound,
Victims are found,
The Hate takes a turn.
Plead to forgive,
They just want to live,
They scream as they burn.
The crushing blow,
They will never know,
Brings them to the ground.
Behind the shades,
The light fades,
Escape finally found.
Another comes along,
Singing a peaceful song,
Living without a care.
Shaken from the dream,
Taught how to scream,
Learning true despair.
And when they go,
Another will know,
No way to defend.
Without the stains,
The pain remains,
The cycle cannot end.
Excellent, Adam. Beautifully written, has a nice flow to it, has plenty for the imagination to feed on. Very powerful words. It makes the reader feel something...something they don't necessarily want to feel, but it's something...