Drea Yeya

My Portfolio
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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Man, Listen.
I like to write.
That's that.

About My Navel

This thing we call our "belly-button" is, in essence, our first detachment in life. Right? It signifies a moment that shifted us from being a co-dependent, to an independent. We're still interdependent, of course. But, this belly button is a true reminder of our own ability to thrive. Look at you! You're doing it. <3
Mine's an innie. ;) If it matters.

Website(s) or Email

There's no websites to show you at this time. I'll be working on something, at some point, in the future.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''Be The Change You Wish To See In The World'' - Mahatma Ghandi
"Tomorrow never happens, it's all the same fking day man" - Janis Joplin


Member for
21 years 10 weeks