Howard Dean Favors Government Murder

Howard Dean, in favor

of government murder, in

favor of 60,000 more

'peacekeepers' to shield

Iraqis from democracy,

Howard Dean, MD, and therefore

animal abuser in med school



Medical schools don't ask

graduating physicians

to take the Hippocratic

Oath.. First Do No Harm..

until after their days

of animal carving are finished.

Did Dean take such an oath?


Physicians take the position

that executions

are a violation of the Hippocratic

Oath. Do you think Dean's position

in favor of state murder is

a violation of his Hippocratic



The chickens may be free range

but their end is just as terrible

as those of concentration camp

factory farm chickens

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dr Hardinge found in
isocaloric studies (each
receives same number of
calories) that after
3 months fruitarians
weighed least, then
vegans weighed 23 lbs
less than nonvegetarians
and dairy vegetarians
12 lbs. less

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I neglected to mention the