(T. Beechey)

As I saw folks journey to the wishing well,I heard everyone tell their greatest wish

"Ambition and power" "The love of a girl" "To rule the world with a swordful swish"

One by one,each penny was dropped with a plop,they rippled the watery blue

And,though the wishers knew nothing bloomed,each assumed their wish came true

The wishing well gave them a sign

Maybe divine,perhaps a key

To free them all from whatever bound

So,at last,they found a reason to be

As I witnessed folks pass by the wishing well,I heard them tell their heart's desire

"A higher status in life" "Diamonds and gold" "Untolled riches from an endless supplier"

One by one,each penny submerged into the turgent depths of the liquid abyss

And,regardless of whether their wish evolved,each wisher solved his personal miss

All day long they came and went,each with the intent to aspire

That somehow got mired along the way,some might say by their own desire

Whatever the reason they sought release,to cease the pains of their pricate hells

And,as tears welled in their collective eyes,they yearned reprise through the wishing well

As I watched folks go to the wishing well,I heard each tell their loftiest dream

"A winning team" "A ten-room mansion" "All the latest fashions right to the seam"

One by one each penny was sunk,eternally dunked in this well of hope

And,while,no promises were fulfilled,yearnings were stilled so all could cope

The wishing well provided relief

From the throes of grief and the wrath of despair

They became aware,each one that wished

In addition to hope,God was there

All night long beneath the stars,from far and near and south and north

They journeyed forth with fists enclosed and,inside of those,was their life's worth

Everything that ever mattered within the tatters of their crumbled shells

And,as tears welled in their collective eyes,they yearned reprise through the wishing well

As I ventured up to the wishing well my penny fell,just as others before

Pouring up with a tiny splash in amongst the cash on the stony floor

I closed my eyes and offered thanks,anxious to have my gratitude

Viewed by He who knitted themes from mislaid dreams and interludes

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An excellent description of the variety of wishes at the well, and the conclusion is good and strong. This is a magnificent poem, but make it even greater by changing "He" in the last line to "Him." More properly English that way.

J-9thxciv [ J 9th 94 ]