Sonnet ~~"NOMMA INNOMINATA" #1 From First-Sight, Through Now-Sight, to End-of-Sight, I Love You.

O, wait for me, I will return; Love, wait!

see not one setting sun but my vow hear!

And rising morn-sun shall my words keep dear:

O wait for me, Love ; Truth has bound our fate.

While waiting, lover, know this: our dreams state

that Time is Love's best ally, un-worth fear.

For but a touch, a glance, a promise near,

doth re-affirm Fidelity; Love, wait!

My anxious soul loves aching, in Love's spell.

There's nothing to compare, when feelings meet,

of satisfaction, with requitement sweet!

Such passion we could never disavow!

You stated, I confessed, all Love could tell.

O, wait for me, as Love alone knows how.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Prompted by Sonnet #1 of Christina Georgina Rossetti's series of 14 Sonnets, "Monna Innominata : A Sonnet of Sonnets."

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C03ru135c3n7's picture

Wow! There are not sufficient words in English (and I have only twelve or so words of Koine Greek) to describe the beauty and splendor of this triumphant poem.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Wow! There are not sufficient words in English (and I have only twelve or so words of Koine Greek) to describe the beauty and splendor of this triumphant poem.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]