Little Chickadee

Children poems?

Little chickadee
I've got a few questions,
just for you!

Little Chickadee,
how high can
you fly?

How high can I fly?
This little chickadee
can fly very high.
Very high in
the great big sky!

Little chickadee,
how do
you sing?

How do I sing?
This little chickadee
and all my friends
sing like "fee-bee-fee-bay"
and also, "chickadee-dee-dee"!

Little chickadee,
hopping on the ground,
what are you looking for?

What am I looking for?
This little chickadee
is searching for food,
for little crumbs
hidden on the ground!

Little chickadee,
it was nice to talk to you,
I hope I see you again
sometime soon!

This little chickadee
has to fly away,
but maybe,
if you sit quietly outside,
me and my friends
will come to visit!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A little poem that sort of came into my head while I was walking to school this morning. Idk if it's any good, so I'd love if you'd comment and let me know what you think. I sort of want it to go into my children's poems book, but idk if it's good enough...

Adam아담's picture


I like this bird! Such a great birdsong. The barred owl is another great one ("Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all?"), the redwing blackbird, and the brownheaded cowbird (sounds like dripping water).


thisisme789's picture

I do, too!

Chickadees have such a beautiful sound! I love it! I'll have to look up those birds and listen to their songs =)


Adam아담's picture


Ever hear them go "teeeeee deeeee!"?


thisisme789's picture


It's soooo beautiful! Also, I looked up the red-winged blackbird's song, and it's quite unique! ANd the brownheaded cowbird! It DOES sound like dripping water!
