I have hung everything I have
on this city.
I push pins in a pattern
write my own heart
on the map.
The minutes I can’t remember
for choking on nothing and laughter.
The nights the wind is so vicious
I breathe in brave and our bodies lift a little.
The change and the waterfalls
and the hearts
I resent for being
so worthy.
The cards I toss on the table
like silent truths that sit on my shelves,
I don’t have any other way to give them.
The kisses that can sing on their own,
I want you to hear you speak without words.
The quiet nights holding this pen,
hoping I can tell someone about everything and you.
You know
you are my favorite city
and the first place
I remember really waking up in.
Good 2 C
U still penning - me too. Happy New Year - slc