Ask me why this is real
Take your hands out of your pockets
Lift them to the morning sun
so you can soak up the
sliding blue tectonics on the horizon.
Ask me why I swear
the moon sings to me
She’s gentle, I love her
more than you’ll ever know but
she brings with her nights where
I can’t shake the loneliness off my back.
Ask me why it’s so warm in November
maybe it has something to do with
how you rip the world wide open
with a hint of a smile
I’m burned to my core in your arms
but still not longing for winter.
Ask me how one life is
too much and never enough
We all go up in mist
like smoking cannonballs or quiet steam
but only we can choose what to be.
Ask me why I’m shaking so much
I have a top-line memory
but it’s all recorded in your voice
and once your voice is gone
what will that mean for me?
As Always, Depth of Placement
and perception, potential view and reality slightly ajar like a door - Enjoyed - Lady A -