
The day falls uneasy across my way

there is an edge in it, A fearing,

a disquiet. The air soft, gentle:

no more than a sigh.

Yet still I feel something

circling, following...



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Walking my dog in an area of natural scrub land and with tall grasses all around, (although in sight of a few houses) I suddenly

felt such a wave of uneasiness as if I was being watched or something was waiting close by. I've walked there many times and not felt that. Although I have occasionally felt it before in other places. My dog didn't appear to feel anything unusual though.


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patriciajj's picture

Fantastic! You compressed so

Fantastic! You compressed so much atmosphere and some real chills into this cleverly subtle work of art. The ordinary transformed into the extraordinary: the unearthly. Truly brilliant. 

sweetwater's picture

Thank you. I think it was

Thank you. I think it was either something from the past or something that will come from the future which somehow had overlapped into the present. I think time is fluid and I often sense this sort of thing for some reason. sue.

S74rw4rd's picture

I think this experience is

I think this experience is universal to many Poets.  Over two thousand years ago, and several decades before the advent of Christ, the Roman poet Vergil predicted the coming of a child that would be both divine and human; yet Vergil apparently had no knowledge of Hebrew prophecy.  This gift of discernment is part and parcel of being a Poet.


sweetwater's picture

I'm sure you are right, I've

I'm sure you are right, I've always thought poets have an insight into other realms, whether they realize it or not.

personally I think the past and present flow constantly back and forth and at times overlap, which is perhaps when we 'see ghosts'. Sounds weird written down though. Many thank for reading and commenting,I appreciate it. sue.

S74rw4rd's picture

With respect, I disagree that

With respect, I disagree that it sounds weird when written down.  I think you have stated it very well.  I think you have stated it so well that you should take a screenshot and file it on your computer, because that kind of statement can bloom into poems in the future.  Your description of the past and present flowing back and forth into each other reminds me of what little I know about electrical circuits---which may be an apt metaphor for that process.


Wordman's picture

Very nice, easy to feel the

Very nice, easy to feel the tension, I've been there a time or two myself.   booga booga!   lol

sweetwater's picture

Thank you Wordman, glad you

Thank you Wordman, glad you have felt it too. I wonder if it's because poetry writers seem to be more in touch with our senses

and we pick up on things others miss. 

Pungus's picture

The delicate balanced

The delicate balanced contrast of air soft and gentle gives the fear you feel such intensity.. a brilliant ghost poem!

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

sweetwater's picture

Thank you, and thank you too

Thank you, and thank you too for reading it. Ghosts as such seem to be attracted to my family. But that feeling was most unpleasant. I have walked there since but thankfully not felt it again. sue.