Bishop Swagghop

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What I want you to know about me...

basketball,poetry,reading,freestyling,long walks

“My Bio Sample” Hi my name is Ishman L. Richmond and this is my bio sample... I tend to us my talent 2 further my poetry, music until I get publishing also I have a c.d I'm working on with this book called INCARCERATED AT BIRTH so if you can read over the material and see beyond this poet that I am the next message in the bottle willing 2 share my thoughts with those who cant see me as a legend in the heart of the ghetto. I also have a book written already but no publisher 2 see or read over my documents... This will help me in a way that I can have my independent rights over my work, also I can travel in different states and perform with other artists and get noticed for my talent .. So please consider this as my poetic sample and fill free have an open mind when you read my poems also see my reality in the words I provide 2 excape this life I live... P.S. Paper listen people don’t so take this as a conversation 2 all that read, feel free 2 share.. Ishman L Richmond/Bishop B/Swagghop Ent..

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

If U cant use the B 4 Best dont use it at all.


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22 years 17 weeks