Face to face with black tuxedo death
i've never come
never felt polite skeleton finger bones
come to lightly perch themselves upon my shoulder
Whispered with grace and eloquence:
"We had better be on our way."
As if Eternity wasn't long enough
to gently shake awake old ghost-skinned women
from their beds at 3 AM
to lead their souls by the hand into the wind toss'd air
and the ultimate ever after
but i've heard rumours spoken
by videocameras and late night news authorities
of a skulking, merciless bag of bones
Death who pisses out a fetid, murky stream
of cheap wine and HIV blood around street corners
Who speaks not a word to old alley addicts
only black tar heroin to cushion the blow
as their throats are cut and their wretched souls
wrenched carelessly from lifeless, mouldering bodies
to be swept out of sight, making sure
that rumours remain rumours
sometimes apathy gets you through the day