
Stephen E

My Portfolio
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edmontonia, van isle, van city, a greyhound bus

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

No doubt you can tell. I'm a shamless naturalist.

Wilfred Longfellow Barrymore was born in London at the turn of the 19th century. He was a precocious and morose child, given to tantrums that were usually related to the size of his bedtime pudding portion. In school he was known for correcting his schoolmasters and refusing to take recess. His best friend was a sock, though he also maintained good relations with many potatos. While attending Cambridge, he decided that poetry would be a graceful way to descend self consciously to the depths of poverty and privation. He has been writing ever since, reciting to passersby in his West Edmontonia neighborhood and urinating. He is an aquarius.

About My Navel

I'm gonna kick it root down!

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I feel like I deserve to smoke. I need the tar to fill the potholes in my soul.


Member for
22 years 40 weeks