
Someone save me, please, I'm falling
Lost inside, I'm here, I'm calling
Can someone hear me scream in pain?
Or am I begging all in vain?

My eyes are blinded without light
No stars, no moon, no sun so bright
I'm falling through the darkness here
Through my cold and hopeless fear

How can I be so alone?
I'm frozen deep down to the bone
Please help, I'm so trapped in this Hell
So cold and dark, in a horrid cell

I feel like a knife is in my heart
Jutting out like a poisoned dart
Please come and take my frozen hand
Lead me from this torturous land

Come save me from this gruesome part
Help pick up my shattered heart
Please protect me on this night
Help me try to make it right

I'm on the ground upon my knees
I'm here before you, begging please
Take my hand, held up above
Please give me hope, please show me love

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ultimprv's picture

Kindred Soul

Nice write, however Healingwoman has the answer

I know the pain and the resolve

Imprinted-soul's picture

Your writing is amazing!! I

Your writing is amazing!! I love your word choice in this piece.
I can really relate to it, it spoke out to me!!
Just know that your not alone in this..Thats what helps me
get through anyway..I hope things turn up for you:):)

Jesster's picture

Hello there soul who needs a

Hello there soul who needs a hand
I'll help lead you to higher lands.
Your heart I see still has a spark.
I'll help you to ignite its fire.
Though you may feel broken now
I'll help you find the truth somehow.
For within you lies a shining light.
This light will help fight the fight..
Stop your mind from Harkening
To any thoughts still darkening.

Copyright © JessterStarshine

ultimprv's picture


Truly profound, thank you for sharing!