Three little words of blue
You think it love, well that's kind of true
Because this love for you is the reason
I miss you
And so I sail away
On my dreams and hopes and other cliches
I'll pour them in a giant jar
Let them glow and give me light in the dark
Tip-toe, tick-tock
Time just wants to stop
So I dance and play
Urging the day to continue on its way
So as it finally ends
The day shakes hands
And night begins
Then I let it hit
The sweet whimsical cry
I miss you
When, where, and how long?
I'll send a star every day you're gone
And mail cookies, some comfort from home
Any way to connect our love
Liked the poem.
Thank you!
Liked it, nice color and
Liked it, nice color and sincerity shows too. I think this poem will hit a chord with a lot of folks who have been there too.
My Secret River
Thank you very much :) This
Thank you very much :)
This is one of my lighter themed poems. I don't usually write something so light-hearted.
I appreciate you read it<3