Why do these thoughts
Hurt me so much
Why am I afraid
Why are these thoughts
So difficult
Why am i afraid
To end up alone
Why am I afraid
To never find "the one"
Why do I fear
To never be married
To have a home
And children of my own
So long have these thoughts
Plagued me
So long have they ruined
My relationships
So long am i fearful
People tell me
I shouldn't think this way
I should not worry about
These things
Not for a few years
How do i escape from them
How do i remove my thoughts
How do I relax my mind
How do I solve my fear
For a bit I thought
They went away
I thought that I was free
and now they are back
and now I wonder
What is wrong with me
Meditate... consistently. You
Meditate... consistently. You will quiet your mind and see clearly the answers.
Copyright © JessterStarshine