I fake my smile
Almost where no one can tell
Tried to be happy but change didn't go well.
To the life I had that will never be the same.
Kill for the chance to get it all back in sync.
Myself is all I have no one around
Today is the day that I make a difference to everyone
I won't stop til I get this right.
Will it make everything better?
Soon everything will be alright.
This is the note of my life
Read the first word of each line. (except this)
I'm worried for you
I can't tell if this is artistic expression or really serious. But if you're feeling like killing yourself that is no joke. Make sure you tell someone in your family or a friend. I hope you have the chance to talk about it with a licensed professional. I hate to be a drag, or overreact, but suicide is nothing to fool around with.
There is no need to worry I
There is no need to worry I am not suicide or depressed I just wrote a verison of my own. I have seen one like this but this is my attempt
Yeah. I done a lot of that
Yeah. I done a lot of that fake smile stuff in my life. much prefer when a real one just come to get me and make he cheeks hurt. So grateful when those moments arise. Hope you find some..
Copyright © JessterStarshine