Woman of the Archives

I remember I had been disappointed by her words
and declination of my invite to be among friends.
I didn't hope for much, but I hadn't counted on her
and the way that could be so forward and brash.
She surprised me with her conversation and
the intelligence she had gathered and tended to;
In many ways due to this and everything else,
I had already felt inadequate, and began to worry.
But she joined me later on, and the gathering
was well and enjoyed by all who had arrived.
The drink may have softened us, or rather we
were keen to use it as a word of excusal; but
by the end of this evening, lips were met in
a unity both spontaneous and purifying.
And our bodies were led into tangling
without much caution or thought given
to the hurt, or the consequence, that may
follow us like a buzzing, bothersome fly.
Yet the knot we had tied seemed so fortified,
as if by something outside control and influence.
But wrong as I often am, I was wrong again
and watched as I deluded myself endlessly.
And so now she's gone back to her archives
and text so full of cryptic things above my beyond,
and I'll remember fondly, her touch and her voice,
as I wish with all my soul that I could've won her as mine.

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nkorinko's picture

I really enjoy this. Your

I really enjoy this. Your style follows no rules. The more I read the more I felt I was listening to someone tell me about a girl they had met, only in a more creative way. Very well.

Also, notice your from Ohio as well. What part?

The only problem with the story carved on your chest, is its hard to read when your missing your ribs..

Sivus's picture

I am from Cincinnati.

I am from Cincinnati.

Enchantress111's picture


I like your choice of words
