If I could reach up high,
I'd grab the brightest star.
Bring it back down,
put it where you are.
Wipe out all your sorrows,
dry up all your tear's.
Feel your life with happiness,
remove all of your fear's.
At night, while you're sleeping,
I'd shine that star on you.
To give your dreams light,
help them to become true.
When you wake at morning time,
I'd break that star into.
Place half in each of your eyes,
to carry that star with you.
That sparkle you'll always have,
no matter where you are.
You're the most beautiful person,
my brightest, shining star.
Author's Notes/Comments:
Just a poem for love in whichever way expressed!!
I really like this!!...Good job!
So beautifully written with sincere caring and true feelings toward another. Thank you for sharing this lovely inspiring poem with me and please take care. Have a beautiful week and please take care.
Dave Richardson