One fateful day I logged onto the net,
chatting with this woman, that I had just met.
She showed me her picture, I nearly flipped out,
this woman was my soulmate, without a doubt.
How could I have explained it, and her understand?
That we're meant for each other, together hand in hand.
I never felt that before, my heart was overflowing,
from the site of her face, that seemed to be glowing.
As the months passed by, we learned more of each other,
how was I to know, she would become just another?
Soon thereafter, things began to change,
our distance made us realize, that something was rearranged.
My thoughts of the love, that I was sure I found,
had deminished before me, without a sound.
Soon I noticed, she wouldn't respond to me,
all of everything I hoped for, was a catastrophy.
Then month's of no chatting passed me by,
I could'nt do anything, only cry.
After I got over the drama, of my heart being broke,
she popped back online, and I nearly choked.
She started to tell me, about how he feels,
I stopped her then and said, get for reals.
So we came to the conclusion, of just being friends,
this way we can chat without any loose ends.
Wrote and Created By; Myke and Nancy
Best Friends Until The End !!!!
Author's Notes/Comments:
This poem was created and wrote by me and my friend Myke, who lives very far away from me, but will always remain close in my heart.... Thank You Myke, I couldn't have done it without you, you're a blessing to me, and I appreciate you having me in your prayers !!!
flower sayes if you love me dont cut me
but i say if you love me dont forget me
forward nancy with my worm feeling