Hide behind the walls,
of your heart of stone,
stay only to yourself,
feeling completely alone.
Treat everyone who loves you,
mean, ugly and cruel,
don't try to communicate,
just be yourself, a fool.
Push others away,
don't let them near,
ignore everything around you,
and live in fear.
Keep your feelings to yourself,
don't you dare express,
hate the whole world,
fill your life with stress.
Don't give to other people,
thats forbidden in your book,
knowing they're in need,
don't even look.
Now that I've grown older,
I'm the opposite, you see,
you thought you made me weak,
instead I'm bound strong to be.
You were determined to break me,
and make me insane,
little did you realize,
I broke that damn chain!!
Author's Notes/Comments:
People only know what they are taught, unless they choose to break "The Chain" of misery, that makes their life seem like hell.. I broke it, others in the same sitiation can break it to... Ignore the one who causes you so much pain, just ignore them...
this poem is also bang on to. i have ignored so many people who have caused "pain" in my life and i just realize now that i have grown from that pain and i wont let anyone hurt me anymore. i'm stronger.. thanx for writing this keep it up
I have to agree, that is a wonderfull poem. I can see where your coming from. Great work!!
I'm a psycho, not a doctor.
I can relate to this poem. This seems like me in a whole lot of ways and after I read this, I want to stop causing people hurt and pain. I want to be a better person. this poem is a bang to me. thank you! :-)