The word "Predator", comprehended in different ways,
for me the meaning is, man waiting on his prey.
Watching and searching for one, whose heart is very weak,
and unable to fight off, the predator, when he speaks.
At the blink of an eye, the victim is lured in,
before realizing the predator, has got her pinned.
The weak one has fallen in Love, to the promises of lies,
now she'll have to start over, with scars in her eyes.
With everyone thereafter, that she may meet,
she'll have to fight harder, from more predator's feet.
Keeping the predators away, is something very tough to do,
especially trying to find, the right Love for you.
Its Complicated now, more than one predator has hit,
and you begin to push away, before you actually get bit.
Saying a million times over, I won't go through it no more,
knowing the next predators power, is stronger than before.
We must be very persistant, by keeping the predator's away,
ignoring words of weakness, from the predator, for his prey.
Author's Notes/Comments:
I have been through good relationships and bad relationships, but whichever they may be, in the end both bad and good are the same. Both are sad endings, because I fell into the arms of someone who was waiting for a temporary love, once things were serious in either good or bad case, the relationship went sour, and once again I was left to deal with the pain that someone had brought and left upon me, and believe it or not I couldnt even tell it was hitting me until it was actually over........That wont stop me though, I'll keep going, hoping and waiting for the one I know that God wants me to be with. They have taught me many lessons, and took alot away from me, but they'll never take away self esteem, and who I long to be!!!!
Yeah, some men are real predators, but you must not let them prey on you. Good you are learning to move on. Your present and future are more important than your past. You must still learn to trust, if you will realize your real man, so don't assume every man that comes your way in a predator. Genuine love first appear the same way as the fake. Don't miss it.
It is a good poem all the same.