A disaster has occured,
on September, day eleven.
Million's of mile's away,
the gate's are opened to heaven.
Ton's of black, smothering smoke,
covered New York City, that day.
When two plane's hit the twin tower's,
thousand's died, and left many astray.
In the hand's of terrorist's,
a mass of life destruction revealed.
numerous lives' changed forever,
loved one's were killed.
People from different countries,
lost their lives' that horrifying day.
Many trying to help other's,
in dedication of all, to rest we lay.
To everyone who was affected,
my sympathy, I send to you.
And always remember,
that God is with you to.....
Author's Notes/Comments:
This poem I wrote to everyone who was affected by the September 11th tragedy. Even if you didn't loose a loved one, and your heart was broken by this horrific act of terrorism, this poem is for you as well! Let's try to help those around us who were affected by this, of any nationality, or even from other countries, let's be there for them as well as our own, this is what may be tearing the world to pieces, one against the other, this is Not Good in the sight of GOD, that we should go against another because of their nationality, race,
color, where their from or whatever applies to any of this!!!!!!!!!!!
this poem is really good, it really got to me and relised how bad it all actually was.
this is fantastic poem.
keep up with the great poetry writing
u av real talent.