If I had to imagine,
the thought's of you and me.
Then get ready, baby,
this is how it would be.
Your fingertip's slowly,
moving down my face.
But all I can think of,
is your soft, warm embrace.
Suddenly you grab me,
I'm feeling the thrust.
My whole sense of emotion's,
are about to bust.
You slowly move me around,
up against the wall.
quickly, letting me know,
your everything, your all.
Still holding me very tight,
the look of pleasure on my face.
Through all of what I feel,
from your soft, warm embrace.............
Author's Notes/Comments:
This poem would be a good poem to give to someone that you Love in your Life. Meaning a partner such as your husband, boyfriend, or someone of that nature who really means alot to you! Congradulation's to all who have such Love in their Life!!!!!!!!!!
Passionate love making is so so so beautiful so so fufilling with the special love of your life. It brings about urges,desires never thought or dream of. It raises the bar for each love partner to unbeleivable heights that ,when reached,is total estacy and sends each into another world. Thank ylou for sharing Nancy. This poem is truly beautiful, truly inspiring.Please take care and have a very beautiful and safe week.
Dave Richardson