" I'm All Alone "

Lost Loves

I'm all alone,

I feel so sad.

I've lost my love,

that I once had.

I'm all alone,

I can't feel their touch.

I just wanted eternity,

was that to much?

I'm all alone,

no beat to my heart.

Thinking forever,

that we'de never part.

I'm all alone,

I feel very weak.

Don't want to do anything,

not even speak.

Do you understand,

that I'm all alone?

Will I ever realize,

that their really gone?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was based on someone who use to be a big part of my life.

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poetvg's picture

i know
what that
is like
because i
have been thru
it and it was
so painful to .

Kelly Koontz's picture

Well i like it because sometimes i feel like this and it feels like no one really cares anymore..about me or life itself.Im only in 8th grade and i have had the worst life and i've been alone with comfort of 0ne freind and one love..and i hope im never all alone..and i hope me and my love never part..then i'd truly be all alone.

Tim Derr's picture

Profound sadness. This lament echoes with the timpanic sounds of "I am all alone." The repeat phrase emphasizes the anguish and sense of abandonment. It becomes in essence, the focal point for something of great impact upon the writer, which is radiated in a dirge like poem to the reader.