Rooster Rooster
Peck peck peck
Why is there a comb above your neck?
You have no hair upon your head
Why don’t you use a brush instead?
Rooster Rooster
Scratch scratch scratch
When are your children going to hatch?
What’s the point of having you stay
If you’ll let your bloodline die away?
Rooster Rooster
Cluck cluck cluck
Who let your brood-hens run amuck?
There’s hawks and rats and fox out there
They’ll soon leave your chicken coop bare.
Rooster Rooster
Fluff fluff fluff
You apparently don’t know your stuff
If you don’t get your butt in gear
I’ll soon give you something to fear!
I’ll give you to KFC you little chicken nugget
And a lot of fun to read . .
And a lot of fun to read . . .