cellophane dreams extend like fire on the brim of your hat blue button eye contrived against an off-white facial background dream sorcerers lament of distiguished fires long ago a time spent Where only god knows the supreme landscape manifold 1's & 0's You're hero and your love is like spider silk thin but hard elastic and sticky yet strong like steel maybe it's more like graphene
but not everything bounce's off a rubber soul A monocled pelican could hand you a Snoopy band-aid I'd offer you a Lolly, cause their the best at what they do Pish posh hogwahs stand still montage When the light is bright when something is bright I get a ringing sensation overcrowded concrete pears in pairs have no clue as too what to do it the flow the cadence the sound the sign the word the waistband the surreal sense of sequestration the bounce back of the key as I press & press gravity pulls the baffled mind inwards then askewing the perception only to create a anamorph of what is to be and god help you if you know what it means
I enjoyed the ride......also
I enjoyed the ride......also gave me an idea...thanx'
True to your own form, Mr Jones...and always a pleasure to read your latest. Really enjoy the pace and flow of conciousness created here...very clever...and very enjoyable to be carried downstream ...no paddles..
Well done, sir.
Thanks a bunch Beatnik
I was feeling down and out earlier, you comment made the day a little brighter.