Sunday Morning


Naked stalks of the leaf-less creeper,
stuck to the old mortared wall,
with it's giant vertebrate fossils
in between the rock layers
nature painting beauty in my mind
as the slanting sun glows like crystal
across the frost dusted lawn.

A solitary figure on the bridge
with hands shading eyes,
ponders dancing sun light on the tumbling waters,
as the old Mill wheel turns and churns
making music for peace of mind.

A single half sunk yellow maple leaf,
drifts on the river past the drooping willow;
a quiet hush is the river rushing with promise
warmly appreciated through the frosted window.
in my picture perfect Sunday morning.

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allets's picture

Nice Delicate Weaving

Where did u go? Encore! - a call--a shout-out to beauty as written art. ~S~



Sassylass's picture

Thank you

I appreciate your comment very much.

I have been very ill and it's not likely to change.

That makes it difficult for me to think very well to write much.

I will post now and then from poems I've already written in the past .

I appreciate your thoughtfulness and asking.

Hugs, Koko



Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



djtj's picture


Peaceful imagery.

Sassylass's picture

Thank you

I appreciate your comment very much.

Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



word_man's picture

sounds like a great Sunday

sounds like a great Sunday morning to wake up tp,, serene

ron parrish

Sassylass's picture


Thanks Ron

bless you


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



word_man's picture

you`re welcome,,how u doing

you`re welcome,,how u doing

ron parrish

J-9thxciv's picture

This is a splendid evocation.

This is a splendid evocation.


Sassylass's picture

Thank you

I really appreciate your comments.

Hoping that you have a splendid Sunday.

Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



J-9thxciv's picture

Please forgive my failure to

Please forgive my failure to acknowledge your kind reply.  No disrespect was intended.
