Your Beauty Is Gentle

Your beauty is gentle -

a morning mist

lightly laving the sky.

Your beauty is quiet –

an indolent moon

drawn to idle tides.

Your beauty is certain -

an affirmative heart

thrumming with hope.

Your beauty is simple –

a trilling songbird's

intuitive notes.

Your beauty is kind –

amending everyone

blessed by its presence.

I cherish your beauty

and the beautiful soul

it represents.

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C03ru135c3n7's picture

I think this poem is going to become one of my guilty pleasures . . . I am really becoming quite fond of it, against my will actually, but that happens sometimes with poetry. Please forgive my intrusion with a second comment, but I just had to revisit this poem . . . and, again, I am overwhelmed by its beauty.

Coerulescent [fka Starward]

C03ru135c3n7's picture

In over three decades of reading poetry, this is one of the most exquisite poems about beauty that I have ever read. Bravo! This poem has all the classic virtues---an understated tone, balanced brief lines, a conversational intimacy. This could have been written by one of the greatest of the epigrammatists of the Alexandrian or Roman schools. Again I say . . . Bravo!

Coerulescent [fka Starward]