In Remembrance

By Others


You are the main stay in my life

The one thing that is constant.

You have shared my joy, my sorrow, my hope and my strife.

You have always in my heart been near,

Never knowing, but loving, guiding, and always there to calm the fear.

We choose our lives path

and not always have I chosen well

We live for today, hope for tomorrow and in the past should not dwell.

We can not change what has been said nor done.

We can only trust in each other

and against the world unite as one.

What one thing has blessed my life like no other?

An easy question to answer....



We shall not grieve the life she lost

But rejoice in the one she lived...

She showed us how to love and laugh

To take each day as it comes...

When things were tough or we were troubled

she was our reminder...

Place it in His Hands

As the days pass, our pain shall lessen

and her joy increase...

She is where and Angel of God is meant to be....


Lorna Webster

March 13,1930- May 29,2001


A gentle touch

A big warm hug

A soft spoken word

A sweet caring smile

Encouragement to do our best,

no matter what the task

to always go the extra mile

A single tear

A twinkle in her eye

A look of pride

The joy upon her face

Everyday a new beginning

filled with love and God's good grace

Such simple things to Grandma

but to us they mean the world

She gave us all she had to give

and in our hearts she will forever live


In Remembrance....

Six years ago today the world lost one of its earth bound angels. Some of you knew her, some of you had only met her and yet others of you have only heard me speak of her. My Mother was a woman like no other. We were truly blessed to have her in our lives. She is thought of and missed each and every day. Remember to express your love to those you care about as often as possible. We never know when it may be the last time to do so.... I am posting 3 poems that were written about Mom.

Blessings? What blessings ? This I asked myself recently...Upon much consideration and deep thought of all the years gone by, I have found the answer. 5/10/01

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Carol sent me this in an email in remembrance of her mother 6 years after her passing

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