
Robert Cameron

My Portfolio
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Spokane, Washington, USA

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Pool (billiards, writing, gourmet cooking, housekeeping, Myspace,TV movie editing, and photo-editing.
I was a barber, have an AAS degree in cosmetology, teaching certification, an Associate of Art's degree and a BA in philosophy and Spanish at Gonzaga U. in 1992 with psych., English, and history minors. Previously I was a logger, dance instructor, a karate instructor,guitar picker, magician, and more. I am intelligent, educated, and articulate, but I no longer know WHAT I am so I tell others I am a philosopher. My most attractive (and most depised) quality is my incisive wit. I have a built-in BS detector. I read microexpressions and am psychic. If you're going to lie to me you had better be damn good at it.

About My Navel

Round as an apple, soft as a pear, it's in my middle and covered with hair

Website(s) or Email

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I see more beauty now that I am no longer limited by my eyesight
I was unaware that I only had one true love until I lost her... It was then I realized that all my loves were indeed true.


Member for
19 years 36 weeks