Without forthright deduction
I took reasonable instruction
as you are my best compunction
I did set out to take my ease.
Eloquently speaking, I passing...
admired your person as I, casting
gaze upon and speak to passions
that fulfilled, would surely please.
And on your roads did I seek
travel, and came across while
at your navel, a crossroad which
required me selection.
Little known of your intention
my heart added in collection
would I seek to find affection
as the compass finds direction.
These words, like your
curves move with smooth
convection and a groove
that IS pure perfection.
More than the worthiness
of your lines, is the
curviness that I find
has me forsaking my mind,
In, what is, clear decision
without fear's derision or
threat of logic's division
I make this humble petition,
To let me travel your winding
way, to make a binding stay
with you upon this very day
that your "abundant-ness",
be ever-always blessed.
Will you look at that chest?
Oh, I forget myself! See, how
you affect my health?
Like a Roman-sculpted relief,
or a classic Rubens motif, are
these beauty-inspired words set
to your thickly-inspired curves, pet.
Which moves the the Sun and
Moon to set, and in your
comfort they beget a siren's
song I'll not forget.
As I exist in that loving comfort
which finds basis in your substance
for your thickness I have tumbled
and in manners may have stumbled
with your love, I'm surely humbled
like any Bee that's ever bumbled...
upon the bounty of your plains!