When it’s quiet and you are deep in thought
When you think you hear an echo to your internal rhythm
When you almost feel it’s beat
When your mind takes you to that mysterious place
When your shadow’s not where it’s supposed to be
When you think about where your shadow goes when it’s dark
When we passed and they, our shadows, embraced
When she your shadow, returns to her place by your side, with a
clandestine smirk
When we made eye contact but didn’t know what to say
When you glimpse that which only exists between instances in
When you find yourself wondering what flecked facet of the
twilight you’re in
When the rational part of your mind won’t allow you to
When you finally ask your shadow what she knows
When you walk the tightrope between sanity and dementia
When you recognize me in this life or the next, as you have in
some past
When we are together the next time, I’ll not let us forget
When you remember what our shadows never forgot
When we are reborn in all our future lives
neat poem .