"You suddenly tore in between my heart's strings and slowly let them go into my own heart to feel my own feelings..." I loved how you pull into people's emotions with your poetry!
typo your garment :)other then that i think this was well done all tho i don't quite find it as romantic as everyone else but i have a weird insight on romance:) i love the way it flows and i love the line "Without forgetting or loosing your way" ash
6 July 2001 - 6:23pm — Rachelle Wiegand (not verified)
Howard, This is beautiful. Truly beautiful. Yes, please do keep us informed of your new postings! And, FIND SOME TIME TO WRITE & POST! looking forward to it :)
This was a truly romantic piece - short, but, extremely well spoken. There is gentleness & love in every line. It was also a great lesson in Spanish. Thank you. Amy
6 July 2001 - 6:23pm — Teresa jacobs (not verified)
y llenara mi boca tu substancia, el beso que desde la tierra con tu sangre de fruta enamorada. and my mouth will fill with the taste of you, the kiss that rose from the earth with your blood, the blood of a lover's fruit. pablo neruda love your poem, love neruda too. you must definately keep me informed of your new writings. You are great. i will read more. my keyboard won't behave today. my address is on my postpoems web page. please write. bye teresa jacobs
Holding on while letting go...
I love this one, I love Neruda, and your use of him as well...:)
one of
my favorites
written from you :*) .
"You suddenly tore in between my heart's strings and slowly let them go into my own heart to feel my own feelings..." I loved how you pull into people's emotions with your poetry!
Melissa Marina Flores
Congratulations on your appointment to the top ten!! Well deserved with this gem. Michelle
typo your garment :)other then that i think this was well done all tho i don't quite find it as romantic as everyone else but i have a weird insight on romance:) i love the way it flows and i love the line "Without forgetting or loosing your way" ash
Much Love
This is beautiful, sad and bittersweet it brings back memories of past loves who I have never wanted to let go either.
Oh!!! I just love this. Simply, beautfully poetic. Thank you so much for posting it! Michele
Howard, This is beautiful. Truly beautiful. Yes, please do keep us informed of your new postings! And, FIND SOME TIME TO WRITE & POST! looking forward to it :)
This was a truly romantic piece - short, but, extremely well spoken. There is gentleness & love in every line. It was also a great lesson in Spanish. Thank you. Amy
Gentle is the night♥
this is just such a beautiful piece of work..... makes me have chills.....
y llenara mi boca tu substancia, el beso que desde la tierra con tu sangre de fruta enamorada. and my mouth will fill with the taste of you, the kiss that rose from the earth with your blood, the blood of a lover's fruit. pablo neruda love your poem, love neruda too. you must definately keep me informed of your new writings. You are great. i will read more. my keyboard won't behave today. my address is on my postpoems web page. please write. bye teresa jacobs