Geneva Becker

My Portfolio
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Peoria, Illinois

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Travel, Spanish, biking, writing poetry, learning, learning, and did I mention learning?

I know a little something about stress, and writing poetry along with riding my bike are my two best stress-busters.
It feels so good after you write it all down. Creativity enhances the soul.
What a wonderful place to express yourself.
Thank you in advance for signing my guest book.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Until you understand a writer's ignorance, presume yourself ignorant of his understanding. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
'She writes because she MUST, My gifted daughter Ann.' How nice! We won't pretend she writes because she can. (William Plomer)
Death lies upon her like an untimely frost, on the fairest flower of all the fields. (William Shakespere)
It's a trade off; more brain or more penis. You can't have everything. (J. Philipp Rushton) in the Rolling Stone 1994.


Member for
24 years 17 weeks