Where has the Times Gone?

Where has the Times Gone?
(hopefully this isn't confusing)

Wishing you could have made the change In the golden days,
Where everything was so perfect and grand,
Compared to the shitty place it has become,
Why didn’t you believe in them?
This place would have been better if you would have,
But whats done is done,
For the rest of us still left,
We all have to secretly escape to cloud nine,
To where everyone should be,
Wish is wasn't such a crime,
Who cares if some of us like to dream,
does it really matter if im a dazer?
But only if we could all just get along,
Only if you could stay there forever,
And care for everything and everyone,
Away from this fucking fucked up place,
What ever happened to give peace a chance,
Where has the times gone?
By Jinny Fuhrman

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Jesster's picture

It's up to us now to make the

It's up to us now to make the change. Peace still has a chance if we allow it to be.

Copyright © JessterStarshine

Dazedloser99's picture

haha damn straight

haha damn straight

Thank Mother Earth Everyday, With an act of Kindness.

pinkdot7's picture


This poem is really amazing! I love it! It's so cool, and well written and I love it! Please keep writing and posting.

marinazartman's picture

I like this one and it wasn't

I like this one and it wasn't confusing for me, but that's probably because I know how you're mind is.

Dazedloser99's picture

hehe thx :p

hehe thx :p

Thank Mother Earth Everyday, With an act of Kindness.