Ways To Attract A Girl Without Saying A Word To Her

Do you see a girl for the first time in your life, and you like her? Or have you been watching her since the first form? You could approach her, start a conversation, and make her laugh, but there is one catch - you are not the most sociable person. It is difficult for you to get out even a few words, so you have to stand aside and sigh while someone else conquers the object of your dreams. Maybe it's time to change things?

Let's start with the basics – non-verbal behavior that does not require direct communication. Right gestures, a long look, or timely help - all this plays a much more important role than you think. There are 7 ways to attract a girl without saying a word to her.

  1. Spectacular appearance

No, there is no need for amateur performance! The costumes of superheroes or a crown on your head are overkill. It's about just looking good, giving the impression of a well-groomed young man. How often do you rub the cream on your shoes, change your shirts, or iron your jeans? Do you think that the weaker sex falls into ecstasy at the sight of unshaven woodcutters or computer trolls that are shiny with grease? Presentable appearance is important. A man should be clean and tidy, wear clothes that emphasize the dignity of his figure, and hide flaws because girls notice everything!

  1. Pleasant smell
    Now try to remember how often do you take a shower? If no force can drag you there, no matter how smart, loyal, and interesting you are – women will run a mile from you. Just because the smell is important, it affects the subconscious attitude of a girl towards you and even creates sexual desire. Observe the fundamentals of hygiene, do not forget about fresh breath and moderate use of perfume.

  2. Correct posture

First of all, a man is support and protection which is difficult to see in the body of a crooked Quasimodo with lowered shoulders. Well, really, look at your reflection: this is how people see you. Is it a hunched young greybeard dying of boredom? Very interesting type; any girl will be hooked on. But seriously, straighten your shoulders, get rid of slouching, and learn to look at the world directly. The more correct your posture is, the more confidence you radiate, energy fills your body, forcing others to treat you with respect.

  1. Admiring glances are a key moment to attract a girl

This stage will make a girl curious if you do everything right. Any woman loves attention, admiring glances, and offers of acquaintance, even if a girl is making an impression that she is blind to the obvious. So join the game! Start looking at a girl you like but do it carefully and with genuine interest. At the same time, you can remain completely serious – such a manner will give your image some mystery. And what could be more curious than a secretive man who is interested in you? However, it is better to catch her watching and smile in return; this behavior will cause a pleasant excitement. And in any case, do not stare at the beauty too cheeky and long. Not only it is indecently, but she also may decide that you are a pervert. This is especially important in Ukrainian women dating.

  1. Shortening the distance

So, you look good, smell nice, and have already stroked her attention. What to do next? Everything is simple – shorten the distance. And we are not talking about how to get a girl into bed but about the first steps towards each other. Try to find a reason to get close to the girl you like; you should not shun her society, on the contrary, be close to her. Move a couple of steps closer than usual, try to be in her sight more often. She should see your best qualities.

  1. Help

There is one old way that will help you to approach a beautiful girl faster – rescue her from a delicate situation, showing your good manners. Protect her from the angry boss, help to carry heavy bags, or deal with some problem she cannot solve. Also, you can hold the door open for the girl, stand her coffee, or give her your jacket if it's cold outside. And all this can be done without words! Believe us, your actions will be more eloquent than any compliments or courtship, so they will surprise the girl and make her more compliant and supportive. Remember, no man will seem ridiculous to a woman if he protects her or lends a helping hand.

  1. Touches

You need to be careful with this non-verbal signal, so as not to frighten a girl. Start small – walk alongside in a crowded room, give her a hand, remove a non-existent speck of dust from her hair, and hug her if the lady is cold or scared. If she does not move aside but even willingly moves closer to you, it means that the tactile barrier is overcome! But do not tremble like jelly, try to behave naturally, be confident, and unconstrained.

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Nice advice, but what kind of

Nice advice, but what kind of poem is it?

Coerulescent [fka Starward]