
by Jeph Johnson


I found out at work today
from her best friend, through the vine...
They've eloped- have it all together
and she sure is doin' fine.
He's got some family down south of the border
that speak a different language than me,
Might be movin' there in a while now,
when the both of them can agree.
Guess they communicate with gestures;
she smiles big and he looks tough.
He's got a good job in construction,
likes her kids and that's enough.
Oh, I'm sure that he does love her,
for she's loveable as can be,
I just know he can never give her
the same amount as me.
For I've exhausted my endearments,
vanquished my charity
and emptied the love I had saved for her
from my heart's capacity

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for Teresa, circa 1999 

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