
She walks this old, old world

So cold and all alone

She's searching for her Blackened Pearl

But finds no one is home

When she sees no one is there

She tries to let herself in

She finds no one has ever cared

There's just no way for her to win

So she turns around and walks away

Alone, there she goes

She's having such a depressing day

Tear after tear just flows

Alone, she sees she's lost the sun

All alone she is

There just no way she could've won

And alone she'll always sit

Alone she sits beside a lake

In the water she does see

A reflection of a sad, sad face

'Ties not her, but it is me

For one brief moment, there are two

There's her and then there's me

But she did a cruel thing to do

She left so happily

So now she's in a world of laughter

Happiness and fun

While I'm left inside a gloomy world

Where I can't find my sun

It's just me, I'm all alone

There's no one here to love

Somehow she fit into that home

But I have given up

I know I'll always be alone

Yes, always I will be

I'll never get into that home

That sad reflection with always be me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem in the midst of depression in 9th grade - It was originally assigned in English class to write a poem - I got an A+ on it, and also got in touch with my own emotions - which was very unexpected. It was before I knew Christ in my heart!

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kitez's picture

This is a good one, it does deserve an A+. I also get in touch with my feelings when i write, stess just seems to lift off my shoulders.