I want to stop thinking
I want to just lay there
I want to be numb
I want to be cold
I want to never see the light
I want to be in the dark forever
I want to be still
I want to stop feeling
I want to be emptied
I want to be hollow
I want to stop breathing
I want to die
You need to start
You need to start thinking
You need to just get up
You need to feel
You need some warmth
You need to be able to see some light
You need not to shut out the dark completely, because you would not be able to see the stars
You need to move
You need to commence a reaction
You need to remove the negative, but keep the positive
You need a plug for that hole, a distraction
You need to keep going
You need to live
So Sad..
I hope this brought some comfort.
I hope you feel better. ^-^
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo