The escape is inside you, you have to dig deep.
Be careful when you dig deep, you may find your own defeat.
When you look into your soul you need to learn to let go.
Life is a story to be told and it has many different roads.
Mistakes will be made and sins committed, it may all lead to your dreams being forfeited.
Remember no matter how dark the night gets the sun has not come up yet.
If you want to survive you must fight to stay alive.
The demons are there you just have to be aware.
If you are stuck in a cage and full of rage you’ll never find the escape.
You must open your soul and just let all your pain go.
Hi 610, We all must escape
Hi 610, We all must escape our demons. open our soul and let the winds of time blow them away. Proceed into our future never looking back on yesterday. Nice penning. take care. Have a wonderful day. your friend in verse, heather