Oceanfront Hearts



Your love is a handful of sand
Fingers clasped tightly,
How can you live to protect this treasure?
Hold it close to your heart and guard it for all that you’re worth?
One by one each grain slips through the cracks
I am devastated
But who can retrieve one grain of sand?
Like a wave on the ocean
My heart rises and falls based on each word from your mouth
The turbulent storm dies down to silence
And the waters quiver no more
As the tears dry, this is a final goodbye
Wiping the very last traces of sand from my hands
Let’s not look back
Sands shift in the wind but my heart will be lifted again
Leaving this seashore behind

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For David

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S74rw4rd's picture

I like your use of sand as a

I like your use of sand as a metaphor in this poem.


Jesster's picture

I liked it! Don't think I've

I liked it! Don't think I've read you before. Look forward to reading more. :)

Copyright © JessterStarshine