MOTHER OF MINE (Relationship between Star, Sun, Moon and Earth and how human beings disfigure Mother Earth by committing Nuclear Crime) 

Oh! Star, our Great Grandparent!

Thou had cast us off from you;

You still remain elusive;

Is it for what we call you Star?


Your son, the Sun is the father,

The father of the planets in the Solar System;

The earth is your Grand Child,

With its aunt, the Moon nearby!


You choose the night to emerge in your stardom,

And show off as the twinkling star of night;

But, thy stardom distances your relationship;

And we, the frail children of Earth are deprived of your affinity!


Oh! Great Grandparents,

Your winking eyes look so fascinating!

But your ephemeral timely disappearance,

Makes us fancy that you’re dead and gone!

But …….to prove ourselves wrong,

You emerge back again and again.


Oh! You Great Grandparents,

Won’t you come one day?

To see your Grandchild’s (Earth’s) hassles;

Your, wily Great Grandchildren

Are so mean to test her forbearance.

How long can she go on?

For her patience is running out!


My…..My…..My…..Mother Earth,

You never forget to point out what’s wrong;

When I go wrong you shed your ‘Rainy Tears’,

When I exceed tolerance, you shudder like a ‘Thunder’,

And erupt like a ‘Volcano’,

Yet, I am done no harm!


Oh! My, Mother of mine,

How long can we disfigure your blemish less face?

Should we trample on you?

And lash you with our fiery tongue.

And blast you with the ‘Nuclear crime’.


Oh! You men, you dare not kill

My mother, whose virtue is ‘Patience’.

Oh! Heavenly God, show us the way;

The way to obey and love; and

Adore the ‘Mother of Mine’.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

As per the writer, the Star is the Great Grandparent of human beings on Earth; the Sun, their father and Earth, their mother;  the Moon an aunt.  The Star, because of its stardom remains elusive and human beings aren't able to reach! When the human beings on Earth, commit sins and disfigure it with Nuclear Crime, though Mother Earth shows forbearance, still it warns its children by means of lightening, thunder and volcano.Nevertheless, the writer finally appeals God to show human beings a way to love and adore Mother Earth!

nightlight1220's picture

I love this concept and the

I love this concept and the way you have used it. In astrotheology, the Sun is actually, 'the son', and Atum is his father, same as an 'Atom' has a nucleus. (as above, so below)



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


pbenarumairaj's picture

Reply to comment on the poem 'Mother of Mine'


Hi Nightlight,

I really have zero knowledge of astrotheology! However, without having a thorough  knowledge of what is what, I used my practical knowledge to bring out this concept.  I really love to appreciate your clarification on the term 'Atum' who happens to be the father of 'sun'. Thank you so much for sharing this information, I will make it a point to keep it in mind.


Jesster's picture

I love this writing.  Made my

I love this writing.  Made my imagination soar. Thank you for sharing.

Copyright © JessterStarshine

pbenarumairaj's picture

Reply to comment on my poem 'Mother of Mine'

It's a great honour to be commented by a person who has posted more than 600 items on  I know you have better imagination than mine as your pen name itself can heal the hearts of quite a few who lack imagination.  Great pick that is! I wow to read your poems regularly as you have the real taste in identifying this type of writing.  Thanks a lot "Healing Woman"!


Jesster's picture

Thank you very much. I don't

Thank you very much. I don't know that I have a better imagination than you. Though my imagination is rampant. I feel honoured that you read my works. I look forward to reading more of yours. :)

Copyright © JessterStarshine