"Family Photograph"

Closet Space

Family Photograph

Homeade jam

pickled okra

Grandma's strawberry popcicles,

stored memories of a mother's love.

Prince Albert paled from sun-dripped days

bibbed cover-alls long since used

Grandpa's scarecrow left unattended,

stilled memories of a father's love.

Fudge filled pans

oven fresh air

Mama's special bread,

scented memories of a mother's love.

Notched rawhide hanging from the halltree

bundled morning paper stacked out back

Daddy's re-tooled jungle gym still standing,

sturdy memories of a father's love.

Children's laughter

family barbecues

catching fireflies

joining hands,

special memories of our love.

© BRIAN GLENN 5-8-04

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

I can invision all of this . Wonderful imagery