AAA Auto Repair

AAA Auto Repair

"Lady, you know you should really be careful

Since you don't have a freakin' clue,

But the cable is busted, the oil is low,

Hey, don't cry, I KNOW WHAT TO DO!

You just sit inside and wait a bit,

And I'll fix your car up fine.

I even have magazines to read,

And they won't cost you a thin dime.

Trust ole' Ned.  I'll do you right.

I'll fix this car for you.

But you'll be lucky if you can buy gas,

When the bill I give to you."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just a story...

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hhickson's picture

LOL...ain't it the truth. Loved it.


vjochum's picture

This is so cute Jessica! The title caught my eye because I sell cars for a living. I have to deal with mechanics all the time. I think the conversation in your poem is one which is spoken nationwide whether it be with Ned, Tom, Joe, Dick or Harry! hahaha
Good job!

Joyce Counts's picture

Jess, Just a story HUH! How true it is. Later,Joyce/Spanky

Butch Lesley's picture

How true, How true...must be another voice of experience