Language Quest


Language Quest

           by Odin Roark


To be at one with the words we write and read

Is to appreciate more than mere definition.


For does not a lexical feast banter the intellect

Akin to the salivary nature of hunger

When morsels of perceived gastric comfort

Trigger stomach sounds of flirtatious want?


Where is it stated communication is unequivocal?

What prevents the mind’s eye to free associate,

To carve tributaries of free-flow additions,

To make the valleys of verbal tundra inviting

For the reward of a peak’s thin-air high?


Oh to be open for fresh discovery,

To welcome the twists and turns

Every trail to learning’s higher reaches provides,

To look hopefully around the soft curve of every syllable,

The rock-like nature of strident consonants,

And the ever welcome foreshadowing of revelation,

Dedicated to reward aches and pains of tenacity’s patience.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

With so much to derive from a single word, is it not puzzling how little time is spent today with reading and writing of extended thoughts, ideas and observations beyond the 140 character pastime? 

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One day will be obsolete as electrons flow and words magically appear on screens upon request. Already there is a war over music and voices, and compensation. Until writers realize how important the word is, and learn to defend their ground, words will be free flowing and untamed and easily stolen. Being read - that's another whole ball of literarily challenged twine. 4 all we spend in education (the teacher's union membership) and infrastructure, Janie and Johnnie still hate reading - Lady A