Odin Roark

My Portfolio
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Oregon, USA

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Background in NY/LA entertainment and arts, Now Novelist/Poet/Humanist. Two novels published: ECHOSIS, 3 WAY MIRROR. Poems published in "Said and Unsaid" Vol 1. In 2012 - 2 volumes of my poetry were published: "Prosetry at Work," and "Perceptions" (The latter as photo/prosetry art book on Lulu) I am especially intrigued with prosetry and slam poetry artists, especially those who come across with sophisticated street cred and reveal both historical and contemporary philosophical influence. I always have and will continue to see myself as a student of behavior, intent on acquiring a respectable level of wisdom along the way. Influences have been too many to mention, but some of primary importance have been: David Foster Wallace, Travanian, Paddy Chayefsky, Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Henry Miller, Christopher Hitchens, Norman Mailer, Ray Kurzweil, Neruda, Camus, Zen and world history.

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Cycling, mountain climbing, reading, music, museums. “An artist has an obligation to question the conditions that rule all our lives… and to cause his audience to do the same.” Frederick Franck


Member for
10 years 10 weeks