Menu Of Days
by Odin Roark
To once again sip Monday’s nectar of hope,
Drink Tuesday’s random discovery,
Appreciate identified scraps on Wednesday,
Anticipate the appetite awakening with Thursday’s sunrise,
The long trek uptown on Friday,
Saturday’s Central Park for imagining Monet’s “Water-Lilies”
And Sunday’s daydream-visit with “Woman Seated on a Bench.”
For next week…
Pangs of hunger will return,
And there will always be Manhattan’s pedestrian corps de ballet,
Accompanied by percussion’s taxi horns and jack hammers,
Trumpeting’s high heel accents,
Cacophonous voicing of bowstring sorrow
As grocery cart homeless counterpoint
The phantom-quiet limousines passing.
How fascinating the satiation of heart
When senses are kept alive,
Allowing whatever comes along to become
A potential banquet from the menu of days.