About a Girl

She was a young girl with brown hair

Dark deep eyes and a beautiful face

God gave her everything

From a beauty divine to an elegant pace

But I wondered ever most

What was wrong with her smile?

She had everything she wanted

But wasn’t happy even for a while

I happened to ask her

“What’s wrong Madame?”

She turned to me and gently

Took my hand in hand

And said

“Do you think something is wrong?

‘Cause I lost my real smile.

I was once a happy person

But my heart was so fragile.

I wanted to show the world

That I was a nature’s gift

And for that I tried a lot

With a constant effort and sift

That was where I went wrong

As I sheltered a miscreant

Lonely and helpless in rainy night

And was then in time of need

I never thought what it could bring

And my own soul will be stained

As I had done some virtue

Expected never to be disdained

This time also I went wrong

May be God wanted something else

And I suffered for undone crime

Which was very hard to be dealt

There onwards people kept on blaming

As my soul was fully stained

On each and every step of life

A new experience I gained

This made my smile fade away

Forsaken in a blind well

I was thrown from heaven’s garden

Straight into the burning hell

But even then it didn’t stopped

And the pain kept moving on

As the people couldn’t halt

Teasing me for sin not done

So here I am waiting for death

May be then I would get free

Or tell me of another way

As there’s nothing else I can see

Now just answer my simple question

Do you still think something is wrong?”

Saying that she turned away

And disappeared into haze

After that I never saw her

As she ended up her days

She was a young girl with brown hair

Dark deep eyes and a beautiful face

God gave her everything

From a beauty divine to an elegant pace

And I never wondered then

What was wrong with her smile?

‘Cause I knew her whole story

With an end tragic and vile

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for a girl who lives inside me sumwhere

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Erin Smith's picture

Fab work.Your poems are great work of art.Really admirable.And this one is PERFECT