Naushin Sadozai

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What I want you to know about me...

I like writing poems and novels many of them are still under process.

Well, I started writing poems when I was 11 years old and my first poem was "Smile" which is not listed here because I feel its so stupid=). I then wrote many poems and my first poem that got me notified was "If there was something", after that when it became famous I got more keen into poetry and now here I am. The Inspiration of poetry to me came from the daily happenings, sometimes I wrote what I felt, what was happening with me, and sometimes I wrote what I saw, it is just you can say expression of feelings sometimes and nothing else and at other its more than that. Besides that I have many, many favourite poets in my fav list so can't tell the name of any one over here (because I know I will skip many)=).

I write what I feel and sumtimes thinkin of how a particular person mite be feelin in a particular ma poems are mixture of everythin u can pain,pain of others,laughter,joy...well most of all...DEPTHS=)...i write poem wen i don wanna tell n e thin to n e 1 or wen there are things i cant u know poetry is such a language in wch u can tell n e here's my work;)

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.(plato)

This is not an Arab Legend, its only me;)...(my self)


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20 years 8 weeks