dedicated to a father


sometimes i want to scream and yell in hopes that you'll hear

but you never do

because reality hits and i realize...

that your not near

i remember the days as a child when you used to hold me when i was down  just to make me smile

but once again... reality hits and i rememer that those days never really did exist

sometimes i want to tell you exactly whats on my mind

but the words hurt so much that it pierces my insides

so many people explain how their fathers werent around due to death

but you...

you voluntarily left

left me by surprise with no goodbyes

or an explanation why

no hug,no love, no calls

no dedication not even a care at all

and even after ALL that....

i could not hate

i continued to keep the faith

that in due time you would change

but its years later,

and it remains the same  

so slowly im forgetting your face and how you sound

slowly im forgetting the times we actually had cause i fabricated so much memories since you werent around

no where to be found

to read me bedtime stories before i'd go to sleep

to teach me how to  read,ride a bike

or simply how to cross the street

so like many fatherless children , i taught myself what a father did not

and in my dreams ,your saying i will never be allowed to date

while i just laugh

but i wake up

realizing that even in my dreams your not there

because its not your voice not even your face

im so lost and confused

answer me was it soething that i did

that made you...

not want me..

your kid?

do you not wonder sometimes if im okay?

if im breathing?

do you not wish you did more staying instead of leaving?

do you even recognize that i am a good daughter?

if i died today would you shed a tear?

would you have wished you were always there?

would you even bother?


a father who wasnt there to hear my first words

a father who wasnt there for me to be able to be daddy's little girl

but most of all to a father who there to see me evolve into a becautiful strong educated young lady


have you told me you love me lately?

have to told me i mean the world to you?

..............NO HAVEN'T

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....WOW...! This poem is

....WOW...! This poem is truly awesome, I felt your pain.....Wow....